Amitha's Blog

How To Design As A Couple!

“How do I design my home with my spouse – without killing them first?”

It’s one of the questions I get asked most from wives ready to dive into decorating with their partner’s help.

When you’re faced with the challenges of working with ugly furniture, conflicting styles, getting your partner motivated, and communication obstacles; designing a home you can both be proud of can be a serious source of frustration.

Luckily, it doesn’t have to be!

On today’s episode of AmithaTV, I’m going to share with you:

  • My top 5 tips to blending both of your design styles seamlessly!
  • A super easy trick I use to effortlessly communicate my vision to my partner and vice versa.
  • One of the best life lessons I ever learned – and how I put it into action when designing with my hubby.
  • How you can create an incredibly gorgeous home – even when your styles and tastes conflict!

As Abe Lincoln once said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

The same is true in design. Don’t miss out on today’s episode so you can create a united home!

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